The overall objective is to extend the understanding of the contribution of the exposome, taken as a complex set of different components, to COPD and CF diseases.

Research questions
Specific questions will be addressed:
- Is there specific exposome(s) associated with particular COPD in terms of severity, morbidity, exacerbations and comorbidities?
- Is there specific exposome(s) associated with particular CF in terms of severity, morbidity, exacerbations and comorbidities?
- Is there specific exposome(s) linked to lung function trajectories and maximal achieved lung function at early adulthood?
- How do similar exposomes impact COPD and CF?

Innovative approach
A clear multidisciplinary dimension with the collaboration of expert leaders in their respective fields.
The use of up-to-date technologies including atmospheric simulation chamber, lipidomic and epigenetic analyses.
The study of data covering different stages throughout life: from prenatal (during pregnancy) to adulthood.

Gathered expertise of epidemiologists and public health specialists, adult and pediatrician lung specialists, physico-chemist of the atmosphere, biologists, engineer for sensor development, economists, ethics and legal specialists, and management and technology transfer.

Global methodological approach
REMEDIA methodological approach is based on 3 steps: data integration, experimental work and computational analyses.
Data integration
6 well-designed existing cohorts and population registries are participating in the REMEDIA project:
- French Registry of CF patients
- Danish Cancer Health (DCH) cohort
- Danish hospital registry
- Norwegian Women and Cancer Cohort (NOWAC) cohort
- ALSPAC cohort (UK)
- French PELAGIE cohort
From these 6 cohorts and registries, data collection and enrichment with environmental information will be carried out and targeted OMICs analyses will be perfomed. An exposome modeling will be conducted using an exposome-wide association study (EWAS) approach.


Experimental work
REMEDIA will develop a sensor combining environmental and clinical measurements.
REMEDIA will also work on the simulation of complex exposomes using two atmospheric simulation chambers available in the consortium.


Simulation in
Preclinical models
Computational Analysis
From the data generated and collected during the two previous steps, a risk assessment and an economic evaluation will be conducted providing useful tools to implement effective prevention strategies.


REMEDIA is committed to communicating and disseminating its results through conferences and publications involving different stakeholders (scientific community, policy makers, civil society)

