Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil (CHIC)

Ralph Epaud
Principal Investigator
WP2 leader, WP3 contributor

Camille Jung
WP2 and WP3 contributor

Pascal Baptiste
Research support
WP2 contributor
The Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil (CHIC) has the particularity to be a regional hospital with a strong link to the university especially for department committed to CF. Indeed Paediatric, Pulmonary and Ear- Nose-Throat departments are all headed by academics with strong involvement in basic and clinical research.
The CHIC hosts a Clinical Research Centre (CRC), certified in 2012 by the General Directorate of Care Supply. The CHIC clinical research centre (CRC) coordinates research and analysis of patient data. Research staff in charge of data collection and entry are assigned to the CRC. A clinical research associate is responsible for collecting clinical data. The pre-analytical processing and storage of biological samples are managed by a Biological Resource Center (CRB).
The Clinical Research Center organizes and coordinates clinical research. Within the workpage 2, it will organize the clinical study on the impact of the exposure of patients to environmental pollutants.