Inserm Transfert (IT)

Aida Alarcon Sanchez
Project manager
Founded in 2000, Inserm Transfert SA is the private subsidiary of the French National Institute of the Health and Medical Research (Inserm), dedicated to technology transfer (from invention disclosure to industrial partnership). Inserm Transfert runs a comprehensive set of technology transfer activities from classical value chain activities to unique solutions:
- Scouting & Intellectual property management, with a philosophy of giving a chance to all innovations (portfolio of 2190 patent families in 2021)
- Early development & Proof-of concept support for therapeutics and diagnostics (biomarkers), with a philosophy of maximum consolidation of the earliest phases, with more than 21 M€ since 2009 with the objective to create value. In 2021, 250 projects were detected and about 500 contracts and licences were signed.
- Setting up public multi-private partnerships on cohorts, databases, biobanks & public health management
- Collaborative Research Funding: setting up proposals and managing collaborative research projects (FP7, H2020, IMI, national programmes, etc.)