Université de Paris – Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques (LISA)

Patrice Coll
Principal Investigator
WP4 leader, WP2 contributor

Isabelle Coll
WP2, WP4, WP5 and WP6 contributor
LISA (Laboratoire Inter-universitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques), is a mixed research laboratory between Paris-Est Créteil University (UPEC), University of Paris (UP) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).
The main research themes in LISA relate to the understanding of the functioning of Earth’s and planetary atmospheres and of the impacts related to the changes of the atmospheric composition due to human activities.
The methods used are based on direct observations in the atmosphere, on experimental simulations performed in the laboratory and on various numerical modeling approaches. It comprises 130 persons belonging to 5 research teams, and 2 transverse departments: one devoted to the Technical/Engineering support (around 30 persons), and one devoted to the administrative support (8 persons).
The scientific output of the LISA over the last 5 years amounts to more than 100 publications/year, including high-cited ones: Nature, Science, PNAS etc.
In the field of training, LISA took care in the same period the passage of 25 university PhD graduations, and is in charge of one of the main Masters for Environmental Sciences (SGE Master, master-sge.com, around 150 students/year).
Teams from LISA are invested in several European projects and report > 100 international collaborations with laboratories around the world, mainly Europe and North America.
One of the LISA group thematics deals with the Air Quality, Health Impacts and Cultural Heritage.
Since 25 years, researchers and engineers are involved in studying processes and impacts of Atmospheric Pollution, using tools like experimental simulation at the laboratory, observations and numerical modeling. The work is supported by grants from ANR for French National Programme for Research, Programme d’investissement d’avenir (H2020 and EU Program like EuroChamp-2020 and ERA4CS-Dustclim, LabEx IPSL, EUR IPSL, project Make Our Planet Great Again ACROSS…), INSU-CNRS, …